Sunday, February 23, 2014


For more than 20 years Pantone has brought season's most important color trends. 
"This season, consumers are looking for a state of thoughtful, emotional and artistic equilibrium," said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®."While this need for stability is reflected in the composition of the palette, the inherent versatility of the individual colors allows for experimentation with new looks and color combinations."

All I can say is that I am so in love with this year's palette (even why there is some shopping I have to do). 
 You may say that these are just some fancy names but for a shade lighter or darker than the base color. Fair enough, but keep in mind that when it comes to fashion such details make the difference. 

Placid blue: there is not much to add actually, this is a version of baby blue (this is a warm color and would fit perfectly to some  interior design). There are so many room decorations you can buy, room decorations ..I meant a bag, yes bags come first :D

 Paloma: is such a sophisticated color, it goes well with any other color. Maybe because it is so neutral and interesting in its own.

Sand : I can think of shoes, nothing more. ( I have another post in AUBG street style about nude color, in case you want to check it)

 Hemloc: This is so sweet (not the exact word a fashion blogger would use to describe such a color , but I can not help it, isn't it cute?).   Most probably blonde girls would look better in it , but I will get a cardigan as soon as I can.

Tulip Violet: All the pics I found were related to some weeding dresses/ details. I like it but I think that is too much of a purple, unless you pair it with some black (or another dark color).    

Frezie: is named  after the freesia flower. In my opinion this is so hard to match, first option that came across my mind was black and yellow (yep , Wiz Khalifa said it better but I am wondering if he sees me, would he think that I look like e bee?!)                                                        

 Cayenne - there is no more red ( at list for the summer we have to keep calling it this way). I know it is hard sometimes to make the difference between the shades, but try to get as close as possible to the Pantone Cayenne sample.         
 Orchid Radiant: Pantone declares that  this is the color of the season. Prom is getting closer and closer, and I am thinking to go for this color. ( it's true that it so noticeable but do you think it is more than a 3 months trend? Is it worthy to invest much money on it ? ) 

Dazzling Blue:  this is another navy, and mos probably you have such a thing in your closet. ( by the way this was the most used color during New York Fashion Week)
color trend  for  2014 dazzling blue
Dolls Factory

Celosia Orange:  This is such a springish color. It matches perfectly to the pale skin ( because during summer I think that it would be too much of orange) 
 I find it so hard to chose which one I like most...

What about you girls, which is your favorite??



To write or not to write that is the question?!

I am officially going public with my feelings. I am not a huge fan of Valentines Day. I haven't liked it since 8th grade. Because I never really understood it, I thought it was a recent trend that everyone seemed to like it (greeting card companies and flower shops more than anyone else). 
Then I ‘googled’ it and appeared that people celebrate the holiday since the 15th century, so there should be something about this day that makes it special, different  (am I the only one who doesn’t get that)?
Even if I am, is fine I will ignore it.. but guess what ? I CANT, because it doesn’t matter if you love or hate Valentine’s Day, there’s no escaping it this time of year.
You enter in the classroom and all the buzz is about Valentine’s day.  All the events in restaurants, bars shops , streets are about this holiday. 

For some this might be a day filled with love ( teddy bears, chocolates, roses cheesy cards and quick dinner dates). For me, what I mean is ‘for others’ this is just a meaningless (meaningless sounds better than ‘stupid’ don’t want you guys to think that I am heartless ). Its all good.  And I would like to explain myself in this post (honestly speaking I don’t feel like I am doing smth wrong, but want to see if there are other people that share the same opinion with me)

Why I Hate “Valentine’s Day”
I have been in love and tried to make all the things that people in love make for 14th of February but is still meant nothing to me.  Sometimes is so fake, you see couples fighting all year around but on this day they pretend like nothing ever happened. Really guys try to communicate, talk about your issues then decide if the right time to spend crazy money in valentine’s gift is now (or never).

As I was saying buying a ‘cartier love’ doesn’t mean you love your partner. This are things (that everyone would like, who wouldn’t ?!) as a pen or a paper. But as Beatels said money cant buy love.

So next time don’t go to  lily, everything shops  and spend money on cards, flowers or other gifts remember that they are making money out of it (yeah they are making money out of YOU).
As it is not enough the stress of trying to figure out something that's not cliche to be a gift. What should you wear to dinner? Dressy or non-dressy? Hair up or down?

What else I have noticed is that media pushes people to find someone and don’t feel lonely. 

(don’t get me wrong, if you already have someone to spend the day with is totally fine,  its ok if you are alone as well , there should be a reason behind it, call people you love, organize a special night, good food, good drink and good company what else would you like in a winterish night?)

 However there is something  I have learned from my father : men need this day, otherwise they would never act. These deadlines (anniversaries, Valentine ’s Day) make us (girls) hear that they do love us (sometimes you need to hear that out loud) 
 ( this was just something that I find cute somehow, but I still hate this day) Although I enjoy chocolates (they don’t even have to be in heart-shaped boxes).

There. I feel better now

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Guys let’s not get confused fashion and style are two different things. Fashion is more about the way how people feel about what they are wearing rather than what is in for the moment.   

The way we wear, the senses we create might come from internet, famous magazines, celebrities or we might ignore everything and everyone and be ourselves. (meanwhile you might be thinking who does she think she is, to tell me about my style?!) Fair enough. If you want ignore my post and advices (I am fine with it)  but as soon as you go around campus you want be able to ignore this recent “No No’ phenomena ( as I like to call it).

 I am not sure what is it about the warm weather that encourages students to lose a level of taste. There are plenty of ‘Mish – Mash’ disasters going on around the campus.
I understand that fashion is subjective. But trust me; the best thing for all to do is to let these fashion trends go! So here is a list popular fashion don’ts for girls.  

1-Fuggs (fake Ugg)- you wanna look like you have some type of fashion sense? Try to fool someone else fake doesn’t work. And PLEASE don't wear them during the summer, the winter messes them up so bad and they look awful after that.
Ps: we don’t think they are cute, they are so big and with no shape (that’s what my boy told me once)

2. Leggings – I know, they are so comfy, I can not help it either. But u better put a long shirt or shorts over it (unless u want guys to think u just came back from the gym) 
Lilo you are doing it wrong -_-"

3. Neon – Black is sexy, wearing neon (top to bottom ) makes you look like Lady Gaga. 

5. Heels  – There is always a time and a place for everything. Nothing personal, I love them myself but if I see you during the day, while everyone is running late for classes make sure to get out of my way ;) 

6. Nail Art-  they are crazy cheap in Eastern Europe, why not ;)  just keep them simple, otherwise you will look like you are about to host a TV show. 

7. Too tight, too short- I am sure that you can do better than a mini skirt. DON’T overdo it. This is not the right way to stand out. 

8. Foundation-  there are so many options you can choose from, first of all make sure it matches your skin tone and don’t just apply on your face, put foundation in to your neck as well. ( so you can avoid that foundation line) 

Low-Rise Jeans- Do high –rise jeans instead. . Sexy is left to people’s imagination, not everyone wants to see what’s inside ;) 

10. You can be a fashion do or don’t. It’s your choice. dont make me Call the Fashion Police


 I want you to look good and feel good. You’re welcome.
